Customer’s View on Booking Microstay Services Online in Hotels


  • TR. Kalai Lakshmi
  • S. S. Rau
  • Rai Rake Setyawan


Travelling is a part and parcel of business world. Business travelers constitute of a large chunk of customers in hotel industry. Majority of the travelers in business are interested in seeking for hotel accommodation for a short day in between their business hours which reduces their travelling expenses and gives them flexible timings of stay. Microstay facilities are latest in hospitality industry and are beneficial to both customer and the owner’s in hotel industry. The customers are provided options for a short stay in hotels when they are bookings hotel rooms and saves money of the customers.This system is a boon to the tourists taking day trips and provides them to take a break at a hotel without paying for overnight accommodation. The present study aims to understand customer’s perception towards the various services provided by hotels having micro stay facilities.





