Reinventing Higher Education Institution toward 4.0 industry era: Modelling Entrepreneurial University in Indonesia


  • Eko Sakapurnama
  • Martani Huseini
  • Pantius D Soeling


Today, challenges and complexity of organizations in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era are even greater. So is higher education institutions. Wissema (2009) explained that transformation of tertiary institutions began to shift from Humboldt University or second-generation universities to third generation universities. This is related to the knowledge-based economy perspective where knowledge becomes a resource that can provide value to the organization. The conception of Entrepreneurial University is also in line with various phenomena happened today. This study aims to develop a model of entrepreneurship-oriented universities in Indonesia. The research method used is the study of literature. The results of this study, there are 5 dimensions that become the initial model of the university can be referred as Entrepreneurial University, namely: Strategy and Governance, HR Capability, TriDharma College, Enabling and Driver Factors, and Network.





