Design of the Magic Book Math Media Based on Augmented Reality


  • Achmad Buchori
  • Dina Prasetyowati
  • Wijayanto ​


The current condition of high school mathematics textbooks has not been followed technological developments yet, one of the indicators is the use of Augmented Reality is not implemented in learning yet. This study aims at developing a valid magic book math media based on augmented reality. The development was conducted using the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. In this study, the development conducted only reached the Development stage. Through the Analysis and Design stage, draft I was obtained. Then, in the development stage, it was validated by experts using the material and media expert validation sheets, so the suggestions were obtained to revise draft I to draft II (a validated learning tool). In the development process, the product was validated by experts, with a value for material experts at 89.71% included in the very good category while for media experts at 92.31% in the very good category. Based on the results of the experts' validation, the magic book math media based on augmented reality is a valid product and is suitable for use. then a limited test has been conducted with the results of the average value of the experimental class x1 = 88.83 and the average control class x2 = 69.43 and tcount> ttable is 6.53> 1.78 then there are differences in student achievement between control class and experimental class





